Chasing Reliance, or Food Sovereignty, but in daily life we keep struggle with food insecurity situations
(very sorry, only Indonesia version article, except for background; Translation of Table 1 available in English)
Kejar Mandiri, atau Daulat Pangan, tapi Rentan Kudekap
___Sekitar 80.000-150.000 hektar tanaman padi diperkirakan akan kekeringan, dampak dari fenomena iklim El Nino yang diprediksi memuncak
pada tahun 2010. Akibatnya, sekitar 300.000 petani bakal kehilangan sumber mata pencarian (Kompas 28 Juli 2009). Jika 1 keluarga terdiri dari
5 jiwa, maka terdapat 1,5 juta jiwa dikuatirkan rentan pangan (Kompas, Selasa, 28 Juli 2009 | 03:27 WIB)
___Lalu, apa yang dapat kita telusuri lebih jauh dalam konteks tipisnya lumbung pangan keluarga, ataupun bagaimanakah ketersediaan pangan
di kalangan komunitas? Kita seorang diri, kita dalam keluarga, kita dalam komunitas...
lebih lanjut, silahkan klik ke naskah (kanan)
National News December 13, 2006
Study discovers food problem in remote islands
Ary Hermawan, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
The government was urged on Tuesday to review its food security program in small and remote islands after a study found it ineffective.
The study, conducted by non-profit organization BioTani in Banten, Jakarta, the Riau Islands, East Java, South Sulawesi and Southeast
Sulawesi, found that people living in small and remote islands still faced food shortages.
"On the main islands, the program has been working well, but on small and remote islands, the program does not work. We found most
respondents were still prone to experiencing food scarcities," BioTani executive director Riza. V. Tjahyadi said.
According to the study, 55 percent of the 339 people interviewed said they had eaten fewer than two meals a day once, while 46 percent said
they experienced it two or three times a month.
"Twenty percent of the respondents said they once had not eaten at all," Riza said.
Poverty and weak purchasing power are the main causes of the problem. Most small island inhabitants work as fishermen, who were heavily hit
by the government's fuel price increases.
BioTani recommended that the government conduct a study on the characteristics of food security conditions in small islands, where isolation
and the inaccessibility of food remained problems that needed a quick solution.
The government's Desa Mandir Pangan, or Food Sufficient Village, program is meant to address food insecurity throughout the country.
The program covers 122 regencies and involves 85,000 families. Each village is granted Rp 80 million (US$8,888) in order for local communities to
find ways of upgrading their living standards.
"The fund is only to induce the people. The local administrations are also required to allocate 20 percent of their region budgets to support the
program," said Agriculture Ministry food security body secretary Hermanto.
When asked about the BioTani report, Hermanto said the ministry had inspected the program's implementation in several provinces and found
that the results of the program varied depending on regional characteristics.
"The program has only been underway for a year. We have yet to see the (final) result," he told Antara, adding that its success depended on the
support and commitment of local administrations.
However, he added that he was unsure how well the program was working in small and remote islands, given their lack of basic infrastructure.
"It is a question we have to answer," he said.
BioTani's study was conducted in Buluh Batam Island in Riau Islands, Tunda Serang Island in Banten, Tidung Island in Jakarta, Sapudi Island in
East Java, Balang Lompo and Kararang Islands in South Sulawesi and Talaga Island, Makassar Island, Kabena Island in Southeast Sulawesi.
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