Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Kesemek (Diospiros kaki), apel Jawa, almost... the forgotten fruit

___Kesemek (Diospiros kaki),
apel Jawa, atau Oriental (Chinese/Japanese) persimmon... buah yang semakin terpinggirkan pasar konsumsi dalam negri maupun juga pasar ekspornya tersingkir oleh kesemek dari negara lain... padahal kaya kasiatnya untuk pengurang kolesterol, pencegah kanker, penyakit jantung, darah tinggi dsb.

___Buah kesemek yang saya foto ini saya beli di pedagang buah-buahan di pasar Ciledug Tangerang tanggal 16 Juli 2010. "Asalnya dari Garut," katanya ragu-ragu tetapi yang jelas tumbuh di dataran menengah. Seingat saya tahun 1970-an saya membeli kesemek di Pasar Mester Jatinegara, atau Pasar Rumput Manggarai.


(lebih detil, silahkan lihat: kesemek di berbagai sumber di internet) --

Kesemek or Persimmon (Diospiros feet), apel Jawa, Oriental (Chinese / Japanese), persimmon ...

Market of this fruit increasingly marginalized by urban consumers or parvenu or snobbish society who prefer imported fruits, and it also swept aside by the persimmon export markets from other countries ... whereas this fruit rich potentials for cholesterol reduction, cancer prevention, heart disease, high blood pressure etc..

Kesemek fruit in this picture I bought a long side the street market at Ciledug Tangerang on July 16, 2010. "Originally from Garut," he said uncertainly, but certainly grown in plain medium. As I recall the 1970's I buy persimmons at Pasar Mester at Jatinegara, or Manggarai Grass Market.

(more details, please see: persimmon at various sources on the internet)


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1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull, Some have weird names , and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box .............................................................

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