Rumah Kompos (masih) Jauh Puaskan Petani, Pantauan
Lapang, Indonesia (bawah)
Results of field monitoring toward the agricultural “Bansos”
or social assistant budget scheme, with focus to APPO and home composting in 14
provinces in 25 districts/ cities administration: 25 home composting units, 2
units of APPO, plus an interview to the head of food production of food crop division
of the ministry agriculture in “Kabupaten“/ district Sumenep, one interview to
the Chair a ”Gapoktan” or a group of several farmers’ groups in Sukadame in
It has been more than 3 years, I make the observation
of both organic fertiliser subsidies, and home composting in which the ministry of agriculture has obsessed with ambitious target to build/ procure the compost house with amount 10,000 units by 2014.
Observations of which I described it as a desk study
article on this blogspot. In the first quarter of 2012 I stepped up to the
field monitoring with the support of a grant titled Field monitoring to the
state budget subsidy on greening agriculture fields through compost house, and
lobby for further allocation budgeting. The following is a summary.
# Of total APPO and total home composting is monitored
during the end of March until mid May 2012, it turns out, only one-third
(30%) of the total 27 units (two APPO and 25 home composting) is capable to
supply the needs of organic fertilisers in each growing season for local
farmers' group manager.
# There are three home composting units not yet operational,
although construction has long been completed West Aceh NAD province: 1) in Blang
Beurandang Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan, 2) in Cot Darat in Kecamatan Samatiga, and
3) in the Kota Sorong or City of Sorong in Kecamatan Matalanagi, of District of
Sorong Utara of the West Papua province.
# A home composting is not found in two “kabupaten“/
districts, namely Pandeglang in Banten province, and Sumenep in East Jawa
province. In Pandeglang no realisation of (promised) government assistance to
farmers' groups in the village of Sukasari, District Pulosari, Pandeglang – as
compare to news reporting by Radar Banten daily newspaper on December 16, 2009.
While the head of food production of food crop division of the ministry
agriculture in Sumenep never knows/ heard of any plans/ targets UPPO
# Regarding
the adequacy of the production of organic fertiliser and compost for the APPO and home
composting show that only one-third (30%) of a total of 27 units (2
APPO and 25 home compost) that is able to meet
demand on each growing season for farmers groups members. Most of the others are
home composting, which turned out to be not able to adequately supply to
the needs of every growing season for
all members.
# Although still a small
amount (30%) farmers who are able to fully meet the needs of organic fertilisers, but quite a lot of
farmers who have judged that the quality of their production of organic fertiliser which is in
conformity with what is received from the training. In fact, some have dared to
claim that they produce organic fertilisers
are better quality
than/ as compared with the state-based
subsidised of organic fertilisers,
Therefore, with rests on three things mentioned above,
the procurement program of home composting within “Bansos Pertanian” or
agriculture social assistant scheme should be reviewed thoroughly.
The Government, especially the Ministry of agriculture
was not succeeded in realising the plan/procurement targets home compost in two
(2) “kabupaten“/ district.
With the exception of the above, it can generally be
said that the management of APPO and home composting can already be said to be
good, and very beneficial to the farmer and their group as well as managers and
beneficiaries, although even just a small Part of that has been able to meet
the needs of members of each growing season. But recorded two (2) subject
matter that is outside the control of farmers is home composting equipment that
has not been handed over by the district administration of food crops of the
ministry of agriculture since late 2011 the group without apparent, clear and
precise reasons, but still in the warehouse of food crops division of ministry
of agriculture (West Aceh, NAD province). And, the next, a group of farmers
lack the management skills and capability to make compost although the compost
house has had ready to be operationalised (in the city of Sorong, West Papua province)
although it physically was completed in June 2011.
Moreover only one-third of the total 27 units (APPO
and home composting) are monitored during end of March to mid May 2012 that is
able to meet demand on organic fertilisers by each member of the farmers’ group
in each growing season, on the other hand, access for another farmer who did
not manage the APPO or compost house is made possible by some farmers' groups
of managers, but the amount will not much they will get from the APPO and/ or
home composting
It worthy to note:
assistance is the transfer of money or goods given to the public through the
State Ministry / Institution (Government) and / or local governments to protect
the public from the possibility of "social risk". The definition
of social risk in this case is an event that could lead to potential social
vulnerability are borne by individuals, families, groups and / or the community
as a social crisis, economic crisis, political crisis, natural phenomena and
natural disasters which, if not granted social assistance be worse off and can
not live in a reasonable condition.
assistance has the following provisions: (i) can be directly given to the
members of the community and / or community organizations (community groups),
including non-governmental organizations and religious education, (ii)
temporary or continuous, (iii) is intended to fund rehabilitation social,
social protection, social security, social empowerment, poverty alleviation and
disaster management, and ((iv) aimed at improving the level of well-being,
quality, viability, and restore social functions in order to achieve
self-reliance so that regardless of social risk.
Government report on the implementation of Budget revenue and Expenditure of
the State. The first half of fiscal year 2012. 1st Semester report, page IV-12. Ministry
of Finance.
“Bansos” agricultural work within
the scope of the directorate general of the ministry of agriculture
infrastructure and agriculture, particularly in the form bansos home composting: Home composting is a
building that serves to process the waste products of the composting plant/
straw/ manure waste into organic fertilisers/ compost and is equipped
with an organic fertiliser
processing equipment (APPO), three-wheeled vehicles and MOL (local micro-organisms)
Technical Guidelines For The Development Of Home Composting TA. 2011, pages
4-5. The Directorate Expansion
and Land Management, Directorate General of
Infrastructure and Means
of agriculture, the Ministry of agriculture. January 2011. Also,
kindly see: General Guidance Managing “Bansos”: Pedoman Umum Pengelolaan Bantuan
Sosial, by Directorate
General of
Infrastructure and Means
of agriculture, the Ministry of agriculture. 2011.
Photo title:
0-Cover Rukom English.jpg
Map Rukom Monitoring & Sumenep Pandeglang.jpg
Rukom 3 units not able been operationalised.jpg
Rukom surat ke DPR RI,BPK & KPK.jpg
Full report available by request & donation
Rumah Kompos (masih) Jauh Puaskan Petani, Pantauan Lapang, Indonesia
Hasil Pantauan lapang terhadap Bansos Pertanian APBN,
fokusnya: APPO dan rumah kompos di 14 provinsi di 25 kabupaten/kota: 25 unit
rumah kompos, 2 unit APPO, plus 1 wawancara ke dinas tanaman pangan Sumenep, 1
wawancara ke Ketua Gapoktan Sukadame di Pandeglang.
Sudah lebih dari 3 tahun saya melakukan pengamatan
terhadap subsidi pupuk organik, dan rumah kompos. Pengamatan itu di antaranya
saya paparkan sebagai artikel desk study pada blogspot ini. Pada kwartal
pertama tahun 2012 ini saya melangkah lanjut yaitu pantauan lapang dengan
dukungan dana hibah bertajuk: Field monitoring to the state budget subsidy on
greening agriculture fields through compost house, and lobby for further
budgeting allocation. Berikut ini adalah ringkasannya.
Bansos Pertanian, khususnya pengadaan rumah kompos
harus ditinjau-ulang
# Dari total APPO dan total rumah kompos yang dipantau
selama Akhir Maret hingga medio Mei 2012, ternyata, hanya sepertiga (30%) dari total 27 unit (2 APPO dan 25 rumah kompos) yang
kualifikasinya adalah mampu menyukupi kebutuhan pupuk organik pada setiap musim
tanam bagi anggota kelompok tani pengelola setempat.
# Terdapat 3 rumah kompos belum beroperasi, walaupun
konstruksi sudah lama selesai: Kabupaten Aceh Barat NAD: 1) Blang Beurandang
Kec. Johan Pahlawan, dan, 2) Cot Darat Kec. Samatiga, 3) Kota Sorong,
Matalanagi, Distrik Sorong Utara Papua Barat.
# Dua (2) kabupaten tidak diketemukan adanya rumah
kompos, yaitu Kabupaten Pandeglang di Provinsi Banten, dan Kabupaten Sumenep di
Provinsi Jawa Timur. Di Kabupaten Pandeglang tidak ada realisasi dari (janji)
pemberian bantuan pemerintah kepada kelompok tani di Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan
Pulosari, Kabupaten Pandeglang - sejak diwartakan harian Radar Banten
tertanggal 16 Desember 2009. Sedangkan di Kabupetan Sumenep staf dinas tanaman
pangan tidak pernah tahu/ mendengar adanya rencana/ target pembangunan UPPO.
# Mengenai kecukupan produksi pupuk organik APPO
dan rumah kompos bagi anggota menunjukkan bahwa hanya sepertiga (30%) dari total 27 unit (2 APPO dan 25 rumah kompos) yang mampu menyukupi
kebutuhan pupuk organik pada setiap musim tanam bagi anggota kelompok tani
pengelola setempat. Sebagian besar lainnya adalah rumah kompos, yang ternyata
tidak mampu menyukupi kebutuhan setiap musim tanam bagi anggotanya.
# Meskipun
masih sedikit jumlah (30%) kelompok tani yang sudah mampu sepenuhnya memenuhi
kebutuhan pupuk organik, tetapi cukup banyak kelompok tani yang sudah menilai
bahwa kualitas pupuk organik yang mereka produksi sudah sesuai dengan apa yang
terima dari pelatihan. Bahkan beberapa sudah berani mengklaim, bahwa pupuk
organik yang mereka produksi adalah lebih berkualitas daripada/dibandingkan
dengan pupuk organik bersubsidi
# Mengenai
“alternatif” atas ketidakcukupan ketersediaan pupuk organik rumah kompos menunjukkan
bahwa sebagian besar dari 13 kelompok tani kelompok tani pengelola rukom yaitu
5 kelompok tani tegas menyatakan kembali memakai ke pupuk kimia, sedangkan 5
kelompok tani tegas pula tetap bertanam dengan metode organik. Tetapi 3
kelompok tani pengelola lainnya mengaku bahwa kembali memakai pupuk kimia
adalah opsi terakhir. Jika direkap lagi (Tabel 6), maka jumlah yang
berkecenderungan kembali memakai pupuk kimia akan membesar. Yaitu kimia: 5
kelompok tani pengelola ditambah kelompok Lain-lain yang cenderung berkimia 2
plus oportunis (kimia opsi akhir) 3; total 10 kelompok tani pengelola. Yang
tetap menerapkan organik sisanya, yaitu 5 kelompok tani pengelola APPO ataupun
rumah kompos.
Karena itu, dengan berpijak pada tiga hal tersebut di
atas, maka program Bansos Pertanian pengadaan rumah kompos harus ditinjau-ulang
secara menyeluruh.
Photo title:
0-Cover Rukom English.jpg
Map Rukom Monitoring & Sumenep Pandeglang.jpg
Rukom 3 units not able been operationalised.jpg
Rukom surat ke DPR RI,BPK & KPK.jpg
Contoh lain:
Monday, February 27th, 2012 | Posted by Redaksi
Rumah Kompos di Karo Mubazir
Contoh lain lagi, adalah
rumah kompos Yayasan Danamon Peduli
dengan pola CSR yang dibangun di Pasar Srogo Klaten Jawa Tengah.
Catatan mengenai Bantuan
sosial: Bantuan Sosial
Bantuan sosial adalah
transfer uang atau barang yang diberikan kepada masyarakat melalui Kementerian
Negara/Lembaga (Pemerintah) dan/atau pemerintah daerah guna melindungi
masyarakat dari kemungkinan terjadinya “risiko sosial”. Yang dimaksud risiko
sosial dalam hal ini adalah peristiwa yang dapat menimbulkan potensi terjadinya
kerentanan sosial yang ditanggung oleh individu, keluarga, kelompok dan/atau
masyarakat sebagai dampak krisis sosial, krisis ekonomi, krisis politik,
fenomena alam dan bencana alam yang jika tidak diberikan bantuan sosial akan
semakin terpuruk dan tidak dapat hidup dalam kondisi yang wajar.
Bantuan sosial memiliki
ketentuan sebagai berikut: (i) dapat langsung diberikan kepada anggota
masyarakat dan/atau lembaga kemasyarakatan (kelompok masyarakat) termasuk
lembaga non-pemerintah bidang pendidikan dan keagamaan; (ii) bersifat sementara
atau berkelanjutan; (iii) ditujukan untuk mendanai kegiatan rehabilitasi
sosial, perlindungan sosial, jaminan sosial, pemberdayaan sosial, penanggulangan
kemiskinan dan penanggulangan bencana; serta (iv) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan
taraf kesejahteraan, kualitas, kelangsungan hidup, dan memulihkan fungsi sosial
dalam rangka mencapai kemandirian sehingga terlepas dari risiko sosial.
Sumber: Laporan Pemerintah
tentang Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara. Semester Pertama
Tahun Anggaran 2012. Laporan Semester I APBN 2012, halaman IV-12.
Bansos pertanian dalam lingkup kerja direktorat
jenderal prasarana dan sarana pertanian kementerian pertanian, khususnya bansos pertanian
yang berupa rumah kompos, maka pengertiannya adalah:
Rumah kompos
adalah bangunan
yang berfungsi untuk memproses
pengomposan sisa hasil tanaman/ jerami/ limbah kotoran
ternak menjadi pupuk
organik/ kompos dan dilengkapi dengan alat pengolah pupuk organik (APPO),
kendaraan roda tiga dan MOL (mikro organisme
Sumber: Pedoman Teknis Pengembangan Rumah
Kompos TA. 2011, Halaman 4-5. Direktorat
Perluasan dan Pengelolaan Lahan, Direktorat Jenderal Prasarana dan Sarana
pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian kementerian Pertanian. Januari 2011. Simak juga: Pedoman
Umum Pengelolaan Bantuan Sosial, oleh Direktorat Jenderal
Prasarana dan Sarana pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian kementerian Pertanian.
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