Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Food For All, Organic Foods for All = Zero Hunger?

Food For All (UN FAO, a declaration 1996),

possible (x) Zero Hunger,

Organic Foods for All  

(derivative of food for all; my version)
it can contribute to target:
Zero Hunger (in question)?

(reality check)


1. Conventional food/ Pangan konvensional

Harga jual = price taker
Public (subsidy)& Private: seeds, food processing

HYV & GMOscan feed the world (they’ve had claimed)

2. Organic foods/ Pangan organik

Harga jual dimahal-mahalkan/ seolah mau menjadi penentu harga = price leader

Human’ health concern (pesticide poisoning) n resistance includes No Patent on Life (No Patent on Rice)

Urban consumers oriented and export driven; end of political resistance

Can organic farming feed the world?

Organic Foods for All?
Zero Hunger?

Pangan Organik bagi Semua,
(sudah) Tak Ada Kelaparankah?
(akankah) Tak Ada Kelaparankah?

BioTani Bahari Indonesia promosikan from FOOD for All to ORGANIC FOOD for ALL. Berikut ini adalah satu brosurnya.

Beras organik ini adalah kualitas sedang tetapi wangi dan pulen adalah promosi Biotani & Bahari Indonesia, adalah turut serta menyebarkan gagasan besar  "Pangan bagi Semua", slogan Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian PBB (UN-FAO) tahun 1996.  Kami realisasikan menjadi "Beras Organik untuk Semua".

Beras ini produksi petani kecil yang peduli akan kelestarian lingkungan dan kelestarian pertanian keluarga mereka di wilayah pegunungan Jawa Barat. Mereka adalah mitra program budidaya padi secara alami dari bimbingan Biotani & Bahari Indonesia, yayasan NPWP 02.637.212.0017.000 (Kepmen No. AHU-1716.AH.01.02 Tahun 2008 tertanggal 28 April 2008)

Biotani Bahari Indonesia, yayasan terdiri dari pegiat dan relawan yang telah bekerja sejak 1987 memerangi racun pestisida, anti transgenik (GMOs) memperjuang Hak-Hak Petani (Farmers’ Rights) melalui Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Indonesia dan acapkali kerjasama dengan Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI)

Prinsip-prinsip, nilai dan ideologi Pangan Organik bagi Semua, saya cangkokkan ke dalam Sistem Sertifikasi Alternatif.

~  Ber-Kedaulatan pangan (yang berkata ‘tidak’ untuk konsentrasi sektor pertanian pangan [agrifood]), ber-ketahanan pangan (food security) dan ber-keamanan pangan (food safety).
~  Layak untuk realitas petani kecil, dan pertanian berskala usaha kecil.
~  Sistem fleksibel yang menekankan proses belajar dalam sistem yang transparan, dan dimaksudkan untuk membangun kepercayaan.
~  Prioritasnya adalah ditujukan untuk pasar-pasar lokal, dan hubungan/ relasi-relasi yang berjangka panjang.
~   Tanggungjawab bersama dan pemusatan pembuatan keputusan, penekanan pemberdayaan, membangun kemampuan serta memiliki kepekaan gender.

Realitas arus-utama (mainstream) tahun 2004 mengenai sertifikasi baku terhadap produk organik yang dinilai sebagai potensi komoditas ekspor:

On the other hand the export crops farmers have been continuing their benefit with the third party certification scheme since early 1990s. Key constrains face by farmers was illegal fees and bribery hurt local farmers more than large-scale producers. For example, additional charges imposed on local produce to be sold to other regions have clearly put pressure on local farmers and, in turn, reduces the competitiveness of the local products in both national and international markets.(Tjahjadi in IFAD Report, 2005)


Project designed and will Implement with two strategies (2010)

Strategy 1 will foster democratic habits in daily life. Farmers are encouraged to:
Make choices and accept responsibility and recognizing rights of individuals, with emphasis right to organic food for the whole community members.
Learn independently as well as cooperatively, Be a tolerant with trust and respectful of differences.

Using a thematic approach with theme Organic products for All, (better) health and Democracy for Tomorrow, and will be organised around developmentally appropriate learning and activity centers. The specific organising of this environment places a high priority on peer learning and ensures that farmers have the opportunity to learn in make decisions and conduct self-evaluation on their farms in regular period. Activity centers are geared to the interests and learning level of farmers.

Strategy 2 will conduct training, regular meetings, community organising
Using a thematic or Rights-based approach with theme Organic Food for All, (better) recognition to individual Rights for health Tomorrow, by making briefing to community forum to recognize the right to organic food and understand they are also potential victims of food insecurity, then, move forward on how the state and non-state obligations to fulfill these rights to individual farmers, family and community by forming a community-based voluntary standard as a kind of a new sociopolitical contract or groups of farmers in farming system in local community level. In contrast. voluntary standards as observed by Giovannucci and Ponte (2005) rise from a formal coordinated process in which key participants in an industry or sector seek consensus. Voluntary standards may be introduced as a response to consumer requests, or as a result of initiatives led by NGOs or industry associations. They are usually verified through third party auditing. Private standards are developed and monitored internally by individual enterprises. These distinctions however, are difficult to apply in regard to sustainability standards, not only because many voluntary and private standards are de facto mandatory, but also because at least one (organics) tends to cut across such classifications. The distinction between private and voluntary standards is also to some extent arbitrary, as private enterprises borrow parts of voluntary standards and vice versa. Notwithstanding these limitations, this classification has more analytical clout than the more rudimentary one distinguishing between public and private standards.

Community, however, should aware in mind most bureaucrats still keep in power culture domain rather than delivery service type governance (Tjahjadi, 2009) when build a newly stakeholder forum. This strategy will also provide some organic farm actions such as to demonstrate community not only articulating a kind of “protest” in the eyes of bureaucrats, but also make trusted report on their empirical organic farming experiences producing healthy foods within and for their respective community.

Farmers will be encouraged to be active participants in defining the messages of understanding to what are the meanings and consequences of implementing PGS as their own system.

Riza V. Tjahjadi


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