Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Petani Apel Malang Terdepak Dua Kali; Apple growers of Malang in East Jawa was double squezes

Riza V. Tjahjadi Apple growers of Malang in East Jawa was double squezes since their farmland, included other horticulture crops have damaged by the erupsion of Mount Kelud on 13 February, meanwhile in the recent months imported apple has flooding local markets..!

So, the so-called the Bali Package of WTO which was proudly claimed by President SBY as the successful instrument for regenerating negotiation within the WTO, in fact, cannot help to situations face by the apple growers... Apple gwoers became losser in their own market... It can be said the goverment has not able to retain their regulation which banned importing fruits and horticulture products; only temporary banned since protested by U.S.

Petani Apel Malang Terdepak Dua Kali... 
Letusan Gunung Kelud merusak tanaman apel dan hortikultura, dan terdesak pasarnya oleh buah apel impor

Jumat hari buah lokal

Ayo... tetap konsumsi buah lokal bagi kesehatan konsumen, bagi keberlangsungan penanam buah lokal, dan demi kedaulatan buah..!

 oleh Riza V. Tjahjadi

Salah satu infonya

Petani Apel Malang, Geruduk Kemendag dan Kemenkoperek

24 Februari 2014

Jakarta | kabar3

SEKITAR seratus orang yang mengatasnamakan petani apel asal Malang dan Pasuruan, Jawa Timur menggelar aksi unjukrasa memprotes kebijakan pemerintah yang membuka keran impor buah.

Mereka menggelar aksi di Kementerian Perdagangan dan Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian. "Harga apel Malang sekarang cuman Rp2.500. Padahal biaya produksinya mencapai Rp7.000," kata Sekretaris Jenderal Asosiasi Hortikultura Nasional (ASN), Ramdansyah, saat berorasi di depan Kantor Kemendag, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (23/2).

Dalam orasinya, mereka menuntut pemerintah, dalam hal ini Kemendag, mengurangi volume impor hortikultura yang mencapai 600-700 ribu ton. Padahal, tahun lalu pemerintah hanya mengimpor sekitar 230 ribu ton. "Harusnya pemerintah mengurangi volume impor 37 produk holtikultura yang tidak dikenai preferensi harga terutama apel," ujar Ramdansyah menambahkan. Menurut dia, impor merupakan solusi sementara jika kebutuhan nasional tak tercukupi. Selain itu, mengimpor juga harus memperhatikan musim panen raya sehingga tidak membuat harga turun.

Selain berorasi, mereka juga melempar apel Malang ke arah Kantor Kemendag. Ratusan apel Malang tampak berserakan di depan kantor Muhammad Lutfi. Puas berorasi dan melempari kantor Kemendag dengan apel, peserta unjukrasa kemudian bergeser ke kantor Kemenkoperek. Mereka kembali berorasi, menuntut Menko Perekonomian, Hatta Rajasa untuk memperhatikan nasib para petani apel yang merugi akibat kebijakan impor buah. Tak mendapat tanggapan, mereka kemudian membubarkan diri sekira pukul 13.20 WIB. Namun, para petani ini mengancam akan kembali datang untuk memperjuangkan tuntutan mereka.

Suasana aksi unjukrasa di depan Kantor Kemendag, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (23/2). | Foto oleh : Muhammad Ahfadh Fazlurrohman


Data terakhir dari penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, jumlah pohon apel Malang terus menurun. Pada 2005 silam jumlah pohon apel ada sekitar 4 juta pohon. Kemudian pada 2010 turun menjadi 2 juta pohon. Pada 2013 lalu hanya ada sekitar 1,2 juta pohon yang tersisa. Bila terus seperti ini, apel malang terancam punah.


Repro: Republika online

Kilas balik


Ref/ ingat status saya Kamis [20/02/14] silam:

Riza V. Tjahjadi
PAKET BALI WTO kapan diterjemahkan kongkrit bagi perlindungan petani buah..?

Jangan cuma mampu meraih asa tapi cuma angin baik..? Apa yang sudah digolkan WTO saja tidak mampu cepat dilanjutkan dengan aksi perlindungan atawa apresiasi bagi petani, masih NOL Besar..!

Ingin suara tolakan NO TO WTO; Our SOVEREIGNTY NOT for SALE inginkah bergema kembali?

Apel Malang yang akan dibuang petani buah adalah contoh pertama kegagalan uraikan Paket Bali WTO bagi petani Indonesia..!

[Ooooooooo... Teringat daku akan poster: Rezim Gede Bacot..]

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014 07:15:07 WIB

Tiga Ton Apel Malang Akan Dibuang Petani

JAKARTA (Pos Kota) – Kecewa impor hortikultura diumbar, petani apel Malang, Jawa Timur berencana menggelar demo di Jakarta. Mereka berangkat ke Ibukota dengan membawa 3 ton apel Malang untuk dibuang di depan kantor Kementerian Perdagangan.





Standards on Sustainable Agriculture, biotani participate in a public consultation to second draft of SAN, Jakarta 27 Feb 2014

Standards on Sustainable Agriculture 

Biotani participate in a public consultation to second draft of SAN, Jakarta 27 Feb 2014


by Riza V. Tjahjadi


Second round of Public Consultation Workshop of the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) on Sustainable Agriculture Standards revision for agriculture and cattle producer groups and farms held in Jakarta 27 February 2014. I was one of participants.

The Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) is a coalition of independent non-profit conservation organizations that promote the social and environmental sustainability of agricultural activities by developing standards. The Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) promotes efficient agriculture, biodiversity conservation and sustainable community development by creating social and environmental standards. SAN fosters best management practices across agricultural value chains by encouraging farmers to comply with SAN standards and by motivating traders and consumers to support sustainability.

The new standard scheduled be published in July 2014 after approval from SAN’s International Standards Committee and General Assembly and will be binding for audits one year later. SAN wants to make its Sustainable Agriculture Standards more adaptable to smallholder scenarios – which comprise 90% of the farms in our system – rollout additional modules in the standard, add innovative elements and improve the interpretation and scoring of the standard’s criteria during certification audits.

During our first consultation round in 2013, more than 1,000 stakeholders like farm representatives, trainers, auditors, certifiers and representatives from Africa, Asia and Latin America and consuming markets of North America, Oceania and Europe participated contributing more than 10,000 comments with recommendations reflected in the public consultation report available at the following webpage: http://publicconsultation.sanstandards.org/

The standards contain new and innovative elements in areas such as:
~ Productivity and product quality
~ SAN living wage and living income
~ Gender equity
~ Adaptation to climate change
~ Elimination of invasive species
~ New lists of prohibited and to be phased-out pesticides based on technical parameters
~ An adjusted scoring system with new elements for continuous improvement.

The new standards cover more than 70 certifiable crops, such as coffee, cocoa, tea, banana, sugarcane, oil palm and pineapple, as well as cattle and rice production systems of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania.

Work plan

Public Consultation SECOND ROUND –
second SAN Standards Draft   
January 10 – March 11, 2014
~ Online consultation
~ Public consultation workshops, meetings and trial audits

Analysis of comments & Preparation of
Final Draf
April-May 2014
~ Analysis of second round results
~ ISC meeting in April

Approval & Publishing of standards and related policies   
July 1, 2014
~ SAN General Assembly approval
~ Publication on SAN website

Standards binding for audits   
Jan 1, 2016 onwards
~ Certification audits for all operations based on new standards

First Round Results
±1,000 participants from 50 countries

Most commented principles
Labor (living wage)
Productivity and Integrated Crop Management (ICM)
Ecosystem conservation

Comments on structure
Too high number of criteria
Too high proportion of critical crite

Trial Audits:
Brazil: Coffee plantation
Colombia: Coffee producer group
Costa Rica: Banana plantation
Cattle ranch (beef production)
Ghana: Cocoa producer group
Kenya: Tea producer group

~ Define minimum percentage for new proposed scoring system
~ Are the proposed applicability requirements realistic for smallholdings & group administrators?
~ Understand cost implications for new requirements
~ Are all criteria auditable?
~ Propose means of verification for criteria
~ Suggest wording improvements

Material on second draft
Only 4 new critical criteria

Data recording for measuring of impacts
~ No mixture of certified products with non-certified products
~ No damage or destruction of high value ecosystems
~ No hunting of endangered animals
~ No contamination of water bodies
~ Potable water of sufficient quantity

SAN Living Wage Progression
~ All core ILO conventions:
~ Forced labor, including sexual harassment or abuse (No. 29)
~ Freedom of association (No. 87)
~ Right to organize and collective bargaining (No. 98)
~ Equal remuneration (No. 100)
~ Abolition of forced labor (No. 105)
~ Discrimination (No. 111)
~ Minimum age (No. 138)
~ Worst forms of child labor (No. 182)

Personal protective equipment for pesticide appliers
~ Imminent occupational health risk of fatality or serious injury
~ Communication procedure for attending communities’ complaints, comments and interests regarding production activities

Legitimate right to land use and tenure (including land use studies for new production areas)
~ No use of SAN banned pesticides
~ No genetically modified crops are certified

First Draft April 2013 - SAN standards 2014
Plantations: 314 criteria
Smallholdings: 219 criteria
Group Administrator (GA):
Internal Management System: 28 criteria
GA compliance for smallholders: 46 criteria

Number of principles and criteria per operation type
18 principles
Agriculture (+ climate): 115 criteria
Group Administrator:      15 criteria

Second Draft January 2014 - SAN standards 2014
Plantations: 142 criteria
Smallholdings: 61 criteria

Group Administrator (GA):
Internal Management System: 15 criteria
GA compliance for smallholders: 37 criteria

Number of principles and criteria per operation type
11 principles (including 1 livestock principle)
Plantations: 142 criteria
Smallholdings: 61 criteria

Group Administrator (GA):
Internal Management System: 15 criteria
GA compliance for smallholders: 37 criteria

“A farm that primarily relies on family or household labor, or reciprocal workforce exchange with other members of the community. Temporary workers can be contracted during limited periods of the harvest season, but permanent labor is not contracted. The smallholding is not able to create and analyze records without external help. The smallholding applies for certification only as part of a producer group, not as an individual farm.”

Many labor requirements do not apply.
Implementation of all programs, plans and analysis that require higher technical knowledge are the responsibility of the group administrator’s internal management system.


“Farm that regularly employs hired workers.
Plantation: A farm of 12 hectares or greater that primarily or exclusively produces agricultural crops.”

Higher complexity of production reality.
All labor requirements for hired labor do apply.
Implementation of all programs, plans and analyses.

“Climate smart” recognition
A farm can attain an additional recognition to its certification as being “Climate Smart”, if it complies with a minimum score of 80% of all the applicable climate smart criteria marked by the symbol .
For agriculture plantations, 57 criteria “climate smart” apply for a minimum of 46 criteria “climate smart” to reach the 80% that qualify for this additional recognition.
Smallholdings reach this level with 20 criteria (80% of 25 “climate smart” criteria).
Cattle ranches shall additionally apply 9 criteria for a total of 66 “climate smart” criteria or 53 “climate smart” criteria to reach the 80% level.
Small cattle farms reach this level with 23 criteria (80% of 29 “climate smart” criteria).

ISEAL Living Wage Initiative
The ISEAL Living Wage initiative - supported by FLO, FSC, Goodweave, SAI, SAN and Utz – aims at ensuring appropriate wages for workers on certified operations with hired labor (in Africa, Asia and Latin America) by integrating the Living Wage concept consistently in their auditing and certification frameworks.

The Living Wage concept is expected to be feasibly implemented by these operations for all the countries and regions we are auditing and certifying within a realistic timeframe. FLO, FSC, Goodweave, SAI, SAN and Utz are aware that additional production costs related to Living Wage can only be attended if the production income from products produced by the operations implementing the Living Wage concept reflects the related cost increase or if there is a proportional reduction in cost elsewhere.

Governments and all value chain actors need to work towards this common goal in a collaborative way.

Remuneration  received for a standard work week  by a worker in a particular place sufficient to afford a decent standard of living  for the worker and her or his family. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, housing, education, health care, water, transport, clothing, other essential needs including provision for emergencies and unexpected events.

New High Value Ecosystem Definition

With 6 HCV values; SAN = deforestation free cert. system
A natural ecosystem of particular importance for the conservation of biodiversity, provision of ecosystem services, or maintenance of cultural values. These include areas that meet at least one of the following criteria:  
~ are occupied by endangered species or provide habitat for concentrations of endemic or migratory species;
~ are within or adjacent to a large natural ecosystem containing viable populations of most naturally occurring species in natural patterns of distribution and abundance;
~ consist of locally, sub-nationally, or nationally rare, threatened, or endangered natural ecosystems;
~ contribute critical ecosystem services (e.g. watershed protection, erosion control, flood control) to specific local or downstream populations, farms, enterprises, or ecosystems;
~ are fundamental to meeting basic needs of local communities (e.g. subsistence, health, nutrition, water);
~ are critical to local communities’ traditional cultural identity (e.g., areas of cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance);
~ Consist of natural forests.

Certified crops shall not consist of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Measures shall be taken to avoid introducing, cultivating or processing transgenic crops. When nearby transgenic materials are accidentally introduced into a certified farm’s crop, a plan shall be documented and implemented to isolate the affected crop plants.

and so on
kindly check out


Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Cegah Pembongkaran Villa di Kaki Gn. Gede, Gn. Pangrango, dan Gn. Salak Jabar

Bangkitkan Ketegaran Komunitas, agar Cegah Pembongkaran Villa di Kaki Gn. Gede, Gn. Pangrango, dan Gn. Salak Jabar

Riza V. Tjahjadi,

Menggiatkan jejaring kesadaran komunitas agar waspada tidak terperangkap teror penggusuran vila, sehingga menghilangnya mata pencaharian bagi dirinya adalah sasaran awal bagi Komunitas Peduli Penataan Lingkungan di Kaki Gn. Gede, Gn. Pangrango, dan Gn. Salak Jawa Barat.

Hal ini mengemuka dalam pertemuan konsultasi komunitas dan wakil pemilik villa di Jl. Telaga Bodas Blok A2 No. 26 Baranang Siang Indah Bogor Senin 24 Februari 2014.

Pertemuan ini adalah awal bagi upaya dialog dengan unsur-unsur Negara, khususnya dinas terkait di pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Bogor pada Maret 2014.

Main bongkar, minim sosialisasi

Berdasarkan hasil diskusi antara tim pemerhati lingkungan dengan masyarakat di kawasan kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango dan Gunung Salak Endah dan ditindaklanjuti dengan observasi lapangan, adanya keresahan masyarakat di sekitar daerah tersebut terkait dengan gencarnya tindakan pembongkaran villa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah kabupaten Bogor. Pembongkaran dilakukan karena tidak ada ijin mendirikan bangunan villa. Keresahan yang dirasakan masyarakat sekitar terhadap pelaksanaan pembongkaran ini terkait dengan hilangnya sumber penghasilan masyarakat didapat dari perawatan bangunan villa dan lingkungan serta perkebunan skala kecil yang dilakukan oleh masyararat.

Masyarakat berinisiatif untuk mengadakan kegiatan Konsultasi (urun rembuk) mencari solusi bahwa program pembongkaran villa oleh pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Bogor bukanlah solusi utama untuk mencegah terjadinya banjir dan rusaknya ekosistem lingkungan di sekitar kawasan kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango dan Gunung Salak Endah tersebut.

Setiap tahun Pemda DKI memberikan hibah sebesar Rp5 milyar untuk penanganan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), tata sungai dan tata ruang, yang selama ini mengakibatkan banjir yang terjadi di Jakarta
(Tempo: Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013 | 05:06 WIB: Ahok: Hibah Rp 5 Miliar ke Bogor Mungkin Kurang) 

"Setiap tahun kami (Jakarta) memberi hibah sebesar Rp 5 miliar dan itu mungkin masih kurang," kata Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) saat menghadiri Rapat Koordinasi Penanggulangan Bencana di Desa Gumati Resort, Kecamatan Sukaraja, Kabupaten Bogor, Selasa, 29 Oktober 20013.

Ahok meminta kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor, Kota Bogor dan Kota Depok untuk tidak memberikan dan mengeluarkan izin kepada masyarakat atau perusahaan yang akan mendirikan bangunan di sepanjang Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). "Bukan hanya akan mengakibatkan kerusakan ekosistem, tapi juga bisa mengakibatkan penyempitan daerah aliran sungai," kata dia.

Menurut dia, berdasarkan hasil survei terakhir yang dilakukan oleh jajarannya, sebenarnya DAS di wilayah hulu atau di kawasan Puncak Kabupaten Bogor masih bagus. Kerusakan DAS, kata Ahok, sebenarnya mulai terjadi di sekitar aliran Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan. "Sebenarnya yang rusak itu di daerah kita sendiri karena memang terjadi penyempitan aliran sungai karena banyak berdiri bangunan, bukan di kawasan hulu," kata dia.

Ia mengatakan pemerintah akan membebaskan dan membeli beberapa daerah di kawasan Depok dan Jakarta. "Nantinya tanah yang kita beli ini akan dijadikan sebagai waduk untuk penahan dan resapan air untuk Jakarta," kata dia. "Kita (Pemprov DKI Jakarta) itu kaya dan banyak uang, tinggal ada barangnya (tanah yang akan dijual dan dibebaskan) saja. Kalau masalah uang dan dana itu tidak ada masalah sekali."

Ahok mengatakan, sistem koordinasi antara Pemprov DKI Jakarta dengan Pemkab Bogor tersebut dilakukan di bawah koordinasi Mitra Praja Utama. Koordinasi itu pun dilakukan secara berkelanjutan dan berkesinambungan. "Ada Mitra Praja Utama sebagai wadah kerja sama antara dua pemerintah daerah," kata dia.


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