Transgenic crops Development and (possibility transforming) Organic Product?
Versi Indonesia (bawah)
At least, five GM crops expected released by the minister of agriculture in 2011-2013.
1. Two GM sugarcane being developing: a drought tolerant variety by one of state plantation enterprise, namely PTPN XI & PT Ajinomoto, and a high sugar content variety by PTPN & Biology Molecular of the University of Jember East Jawa.
2. GM Cassava.
3. Golden rice of BB Padi Sukamandi West Jawa.
4. GM rice with N efficient (CsNit1-L of a Japanese cucumber insert into Oryza Sativa L. japonica cv Nipponbare + Ciherang variety resulted strong character of Ciherang with N efficient application.
Incoming these transgenic crops, especially rice will add the existing type of rice: inbred and hybrid rice varieties in the farmers’ fields.
Organic farming: STOP continuing export of organic raw material products such as practicing in the colonial times.
Raw materials... when it exported, when will transform into ready to eat and drink? Producing only organic products since euphoria May 1998 is enough... (Let the flowers bloom more and more). Way forward: Create, please, value added in the country, more important: develop value added within organic producers' community such as home industry... This truly transformation, Guys..!
edited by: Riza V. Tjahjadi
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1.a. Transgenic crops
# Government Regulation No. 21 of 2005 on Biosafety for Genetically Engineered Products.
# Food Safety Decree (1999).
# Provisions on Biosafety of Genetically Engineered Agricultural Biotechnology (1997).
# Law on Food (1996).
# PVP Act (Act No.29 of 2000).
# Government Regulation No. 13 of 2004 Making Use of the initial variety to Essential variety.
# Government Regulation No. 14 of 2004 Terms and Procedure for Transfer of Plant Variety Protection and Use of VarietyProtected by the Government.
1.b. Transgenic foods
# Government Regulation No. 21 of 2005 Biosafety of product of genetic engineering.
# Government Regulation No. 28 of 2004 on safety, quality and nutritional food.
# Presidential regulation No. 22 of 2009 on Food Consumption Diversification Acceleration Based on Local Resources.
2. Organic farming
# Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Nomor380/kpts/OT.130/10/2005 Setting: First: To revoke the decision of the Minister of Agriculture No. 432/Kpts/OT.I30/9 / 2003 about the appointment of the Center for Standardisation and Accreditation (PSA) as a Competent Authority (Competent Authority) Organic Food; Second: Pointing the Directorate General of Processing and Marketing of Agriculture as the Competent Authority (Competent Authority) Organic Food.
# Article 7 of Regulation Minister of Agriculture No. 20 of 2010 concerning the Quality Assurance System for Food Agriculture on February 9, 2010.
Organic Food,
Article 7
(1) Organic Food is obtained through the application of SNI, the Indonesia national standard on Organic Food System;
(2) Any person who produces organic food as referred to in paragraph (1) must apply the Organic Food Systems;
(3) Provisions concerning procedures for applying the requirements of the organic food system as referred to in paragraph (1) specified in separate regulations.
# Regulation of the Head of Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency Number: HK. on Organic Processed Food Control. Coverage is monitoring of organic processed food. Processed food must meet the prerequisites, namely fresh organic food is food produced according to organic production methods and organic evidenced by a certificate issued by the certification body that verified by the competent authority. As for processed organic food is a food or beverage that comes from fresh organic food processing results in a way or a certain method, with or without additional materials allowed.
Organic farming. comparison with other country
# The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 in the U.S.
# Council Regulation No 834/2007/EC of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing
Regulation No 2092/91/EEC and its detailed implementing rules (EC legislation governing organic farming)
# The Organic Farming Act (ÖLG) pools specific executive functions in organic farming in Germany,
# implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the Organic Agriculture Law (Republic Act 10068) in the Philippines.
Agrina 2010 (tabloid, Indonesia version).
Antara news report.
Peraturan Mentan No. 20 Tahun 2010 mengenai Sistem Jaminan Mutu Pangan Hasil Pertanian. Kementerian Pertanian, Jakarta 9 Februari 2010 (Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 20 of 2010 regarding the Quality Assurance System Food Agricultural Products. Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, February 9, 2010).
Tjahjadi, R.V. and Bhutani, S (2007) Seed Contamination. Flier No. 2. Biotani Indonesia and GRAIN. Jakarta, 26 August 2007.
1. Briefly about GM cassava, see: previous posting: It’s common, when you buy a durian fruit (... 26/06/2010)
2. About APPO/RPPO and cattle, see also previous postings: A Cuban Model slower, organic farming – Indonesia (09/06/2010), then, APPO & State Subsidy (10/01/2010); also earlier postings.
3. The directorate general agri-land and water management of ministry of agriculture has proposing target 10,000 units RPPO or a house for making compost per year; see: a draft of conclusion formulation of the meeting on coordination and sincronisation on agri-land and water management in Yogyakarta, 24 February 2010.
4. Until 2010 there is no audit report on subsidy on organic fertiliser make by "Badan Pemerika Keuangan" (BPK RI) or The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia.
5. Peraturan Mentan No. 20 Tahun 2010 mengenai Sistem Jaminan Mutu Pangan Hasil Pertanian tertanggal 9 Februari 2010 or Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 20 of 2010 regarding the Quality Assurance System Food Agricultural Products. Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, February 9, 2010). This ministry-level regulation, however, is a kind of implementing rules and regulations (IRR).
Jakarta, 6 Desember 2010
Versi Indonesia
Pengembangan Tanaman Transgenik dan (kemungkinan transformasi) Produk Organik?
Minimal, lima tanaman transgenik diharapkan dilepas menteri pertanian pada periode 2011-2013.
1. Dua transgenik tebu telah dikembangkan: tebu varietas tahan kekeringan yang direkayasa oleh PTPN XI & PT Ajinomoto, dan tebu varietas kaya kandungan gula yang direkayasa oleh PTPN & Molekular Hayati Universitas Jember Jawa Timur.
2. Singkong trangenik.
3. Beras Emas, benih padinya direkayasa oleh of BB Padi Sukamandi Jawa Barat.
4. Padi transgenik yang efisien N, yaitu CsNit1-L dari salah satu ketimun Jepang disisipkan ke dalam padi Jepang varietas: Oryza Sativa L. japonica cv Nipponbare + varietas Ciherang. Hasilnya padi ini memiliki sifat-sifat Ciherang dan efisien N.
Regulasi tentang Produk Rekayasa Genetika tanaman lihat pada Pasal 9 dalam Peraturan Mentan No. 20 Tahun 2010 mengenai Sistem Jaminan Mutu Pangan Hasil Pertanian pada tanggal 9 Februari 2010.
Bakal hadirnya tanaman transgenik akan menambah tipe padi yang sudah ada: Inpari (padi unggul inbrida), dan hipari (padi unggul hibrida) pada lahan petani.
Pertanian organik: STOP jangan lanjutkan ekspor produk organik model VOC di jaman penjajahan...
Bahan mentah organik... bilakah akan ditransformasikan menjadi pangan organik olahan atau disantap konsumen?
Cukupkan, sudah, berkonsentrasi kepada teknis dan sistem produksi bertani organik sejak eforia petani dan pembudidaya tanaman berorganik paska Mei 1998..!
Mulailah kembangkan nilai tambah di dalam negri... Lebih-lebih jika nilai tambah itu dibangun pada komunitas petani/pembudidaya tanaman organik (baca: industri-rumahan)... Ini transformasi yang sungguh, namanya, untuk "mengangkat" petani.
penyunting: Riza V. Tjahjadi
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1.a. Tanaman transgenik
# PVT: UU .29 Tahun 2000.
# UU Paten (No.6 of 1989) diamendemen Tahun 1997, dan 2001.
# Peraturan Pemerintah No. 13 Tahun 2004 Penggunaan Varietas Asal untuk Pembuatan Varietas Esensial.
# Peraturan Pemerintah No. 14 Tahun 2004 Syarat dan Tatacara Pengalihan Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman dan
Penggunaan Varietas Yang Dilindungi Oleh Pemerintah.
# Peraturan Pemerintah No. 21 Tahun 2005 Keamanan Hayati Produk Rekayasa Genetik/
1.b. Pangan transgenik
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 21 Tahun 2005 PRODUK REKAYASA GENETIK.
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 28 Tahun 2004 KEAMANAN, MUTU, DAN GIZI PANGAN.
Regulasi tentang Pangan Organik lihat pada Pasal 7 dalam Peraturan Mentan No. 20 Tahun 2010 mengenai Sistem Jaminan Mutu Pangan Hasil Pertanian pada tanggal 9 Februari 2010.
Pangan Organik
Pasal 7
(1) Pangan organik diperoleh melalui penerapan SNI Sistem Pangan Organik.
(2) Setiap orang yang memproduksi pangan organik sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) harus menerapkan SistemPangan Organik.
(3) Ketentuan mengenai persyaratan tatacara penerapan sistem pangan organik sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) ditetapkan dalam Peraturan tersendiri.
Bandingkan dengan negara lain
# The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990
# Council Regulation No 834/2007/EC of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing
Regulation No 2092/91/EEC and its detailed implementing rules (EC legislation governing organic farming)
# The Organic Farming Act (ÖLG) pools specific executive functions in organic farming in Germany,
# implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the Organic Agriculture Law (Republic Act 10068) di Filipina.
Agrina Agustus dan September 2010 (tabloid): Padi Transgenik Buatan Lokal, dan Tebu Transgenik Rendemen Tinggi;
Antara news report.
Peraturan Mentan No. 20 Tahun 2010 mengenai Sistem Jaminan Mutu Pangan Hasil Pertanian pada tanggal 9 Februari 2010.
Tjahjadi, R.V. and Bhutani, S (2007) Seed Contamination. Flier 2. Biotani Indonesia and GRAIN. Jakarta, 27 August 2007.
1. Selintas singkong transgenik, lihat: posting terdahulu: It’s common, when you buy a durian fruit (... 26/06/2010)
2. Tentang APPO/RPPO and cattle, lihat juga postings: A Cuban Model slower, organic farming – Indonesia (09/06/2010), dan, APPO & State Subsidy (10/01/2010); juga postings terdahulu.
3. Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Lahan dan Air (kini: Direktur Jenderal Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian) menyatakan: Untuk mengurangi ketergantungan petani terhadap pupuk anorganik dan pengurangan subsidi pupuk, kedepan akan dibangun 10.000 unit Rumah Kompos per tahun, agar petani dapat memanfaatkan pupuk organik untuk mendukung usahataninya dan tidak dibenarkan kelompok tani/ petani hanya berorientasi menjadi penjual pupuk organik. Rumusan Sementara Pertemuan Rakorsin PLA Tahun 2010 pada Pertemuan Koordinasi dan Sinkronisasi Program/ Kegiatan Pengelolaan Lahan dan Air TA. 2010 Yogyakarta, 24 Februari 2010.
4. Hingga 2010 tidak terdapat laporan audit oleh Badan Pemerika Keuangan" (BPK RI) terhadap subsidi pupuk organik.
5. Peraturan Mentan No. 20 Tahun 2010 mengenai Sistem Jaminan Mutu Pangan Hasil Pertanian pada tanggal 9 Februari 2010.
Jakarta, 6 Desember 2010
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