Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Rice and Foot loose Food Sources: Wheat; Padi dan Sumber Makanan bergantung: Gandum

Rice and Foot loose Food Sources: Wheat; Padi dan Sumber Makanan bergantung: Gandum

No...Wheat flour, too..!

Riza V. Tjahjadi


2008 Food Crisis, globally? No, Self-sufficiency

Organic rice..? Not found

139,15 kg per capita per year (BPS, 12 Jan 2011)
more than 133 kilograms per capita per year the average yield of 4.4 tons per hectare must rise to more than 6 tons per hectare: IRRI.

Import permit 2011 = 1.500.000 tons

Self-sufficiency Ratio (%)
2009 = 109.35
2008 = 103.73
2007 = 99.54
2006 = 96.05
2005 = 96.75


instant noodles per capita consumption
63 packets a year (2008)
43 packets a year (2000)

Total wheat flour consumption 2009 = 4.300.000 tons

Wheat grains import 2010 = 5.850.000 tons

Wheat flour export
2009= 16,000 tons; 2010 (1st semester)= 15,000 tons

National Trend Wheat flour Consumption per Capita 1992-2008
1992= 9.9 Kg; 2008= 14.5 Kg

Overall, both imported wheat grain and national wheat flour industries can be classified as foot-loose-industry which highly dependent to importing raw materials, in turn, it has spent of the national income (…) In addition a calculation made by Husein Sawit that the existing of national food policy has caused relatively high-degree of cross elasticity of between importing rice and wheat. That is 0.6. Meaning the increasing price to 10% of rice will caused soaring demand to wheat flour for about 6%. However, it is not clear whether such calculation is cummulative to both wheat grain and wheat flour. (Tjahjadi, 2002).

Antara, 15/08/2008: Presiden RI : Tahun Ini Indonesia Swasembada Beras (President of the Republic of Indonesia: This Year will be Rice Self sufficiency).

Dataconsult, 2009: Instant Noodles Industry in Sharp Competition. ICN, June 2009.

detikFinance,Rabu, 08/09/2010 09:47 WIB: Ekspor Terigu 2010 Bakal Naik 100% (Wheat flour Exports Will Rise 100% in 2010)

detikFinance, Senin, 24/01/2011 15:38 WIB: Impor Gandum RI Hampir 6 Juta Ton (Wheat grains Import RI Nearly 6 Million Tons).

Kementerian Keuangan 2010: Nota Keuangan dan RAPBN 2011 (Financial Note and a Draft the State Budget 2011).

Republika Rabu, 12 Januari 2011, 13:42 WIB: BPS: Jika Dihitung, Indonesia Surplus Beras 4 Juta Ton…Tapi Kemana? (Statistic Central Agency: If Calculated, Indonesia 4 Million Tons of Rice Surplus ... But Where?)

Republika Kamis, 13 Januari 2011, 10:46 WIB: Bulog Dapat Izin Impor 1,5 Juta Ton Beras (Bulog got Import Permits 1.5 Million Tons of Rice).

Riza VT, 2002: Fighting Product Against Wheat Dumping by Foot-loose-industries in Indonesia. More Import Wheat when rice short fall. PAN Indonesia. Jakarta 6 June 2002.

Welirang, F. 2009: Peran APTINDO dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Gandum di Indonesia (The Role of APTINDO in supporting the development of Wheat in Indonesia). Semarang. 24 Maret 2009.


Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

APBN untuk Nasi yang tidak mudah basi; the State Budget for Rice is not Perishable

APBN untuk Nasi yang tidak mudah basi;

the State Budget for Rice is not Perishable

Areal penerapan metode SRI, System Rice Intencification pada tanaman padi, dan

begitu juga pusat produksi tanaman pangan, hortikultura, perkebunan rakyat, dan pusat-pusat peternakan, adalah jalan masuk pembangunan

rumah kompos (RPPO, UPPO, RP3O);

Dananya dialokasi dalam APBN

Beras organik/ aromatik ditargetkan untuk diekspor - dari 18 ton menjadi 10,000 ton - menurut peraturan menteri pertanian No 18 Tahun 2010, tetapi tidak jelas runtutan rencananya dan realisasinya

Dananya juga dalam APBN

So, dari pada repot target ekspor, lebih baik berasnya untuk konsumsi rakyat

Karena itu

ayo serukan

A P B N Untuk Nasi yang tidak mudah basi

nasi aking? Jangan lagi, deh..!

the State Budget for Rice is not Perishable

The area of ​​application of SRI, System Intencification Rice paddy, and

as well as centers of production of food crops, horticulture, plantation of the people, and livestock centers, is access in the development of home composting (RPPO, UPPO, RP3O)

the funds allocated in the Budget

Rice organic/ aromatic targeted for export - from 18 tons to 10,000 tons - according to the regulation of agriculture ministers No 18 of 2010, but no clear alternate plan and realisation

The fund is also in the Budget

It's better for consumption locally

because it

let calls

Budget for rice is not perishable

aking rice? Never again ..!


Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

The state Budget should shift exporting organic rice into rice not quickly rotten for all; APBN untuk Nasi yang tidak mudah basi

versi bahasa Indonesia (bawah)

APBN untuk NASI yang nggak mudah basi

The state Budget should shift exporting organic rice into rice not quickly rotten for all; APBN untuk Nasi yang tidak mudah basi Shift unrealistic target: exporting organic rice into making available rice that is not quickly rotten.

With the decline of soil fertility quality of the area was capable of producing paddy rice fields to achieve rice self-sufficiency since 2008 until today ... Logically, with efforts to return the condition of nutrient enrichment of wetland paddy fields, then the rice production far beyond the level of rice
self-sufficiency. Similarly, the quality of rice from
the results of soil
enrichment, the rice should not quickly stale ...

No need to organic rice
export target, not realistic and not enjoyed
by all citizens of Indonesia.
Target alone, rice is harvested from fields that have been fertilised the soil with the support of state budget funds (to
subsidise organic fertilisers and compost processing
devices) will become stale rice that is not easy for the entire population of Indonesia.

Just info:

Combination: chemical fertilisers subsidy (2003-current) + APPO/RP3O (2006-2010) + RPPO / UPPO (2006-2011) is a realistic target for the State
to create rice not perishable in
the coming years. Preconditions, inputs of chemical fertilisers should be much smaller share of subsidies as well as
its application in paddy fields.

Let's calls for: the state budget for rice is not perishable

Dengan kondisi merosotnya mutu kesuburan tanah areal sawah ternyata mampu memproduksi padi hingga mencapai swasembada beras sejak 2008 hingga
saat ini...
Logisnya, dengan upaya penyuburan kembali kondisi hara tanah
sawah, maka produksi
padi jauh melampaui tingkat swasembada beras.
Begitu juga, kualitas beras dari hasil
penyuburan tanah, maka nasinya semestinya tidak cepat basi...

Tidak perlu target ekspor
beras organik, tidak realistik dan
tidak dinikmati oleh semua penduduk Indonesia.
Targetkan saja, padi yang dipanen dari sawah yang sudah disuburkan tanahnya dengan dukungan
alokasi dana APBN (untuk subsidi pupuk organik dan alat pengolah kompos)
menjadi beras yang tidak mudah basi bagi seluruh penduduk Indonesia.

Sekadar info:

Kombinasi: subsidi pupuk kimia (2003-saat ini) + APPO/RP3O (2006-2010) + RPPO/UPPO (2006-2011) merupakan target yang realistis bagi Negara menciptakan beras yang tidak mudah basi pada tahun-tahun mendatang.

Prasyaratnya, input pupuk kimia harus
semakin mengecil porsi subsidi
maupun aplikasinya di areal persawahan.

serukan: APBN untuk Nasi yang tidak mudah basi



4 Mei 2011


Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

organic fertilisers within the state budget...Guaranteed: rice is not quickly stale

organic fertilisers within the (future) state budget (APBN)...
Guaranteed: rice is not quickly stale

area services of organic fertilisers: the state budget for
the rice that is not perishable
come on...

let's say:

Guaranteed: rice is not quickly stale
Can be the target realistic?

All Indonesians may taste it and satisfy it...

a poster

daripada mimpi bikin target ekspor beras organik,
bukankah lebih baik,
'yuk, katakan:

APBN (mendatang) untuk nasi yang tidak mudah basi

Dijamin: nasinya tidak mudah basi

seluruh rakyat bisa merasakannya, gt loh...


by: Riza V. Tjahjadi

NB: keterangan lanjut, lihat posting 29 April 2011


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