Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Making Organic Fertilizers with Indirect FOSSIL FUEL-BASED mechanisation

versi Indonesia di bawah

Making Organic Fertilizers with Indirect FOSSIL FUEL-BASED mechanisation

Making organic fertilisers:
Granules Organic PANSU
Liquid Organic-D PANSU
Liquid Organic- B PANSU

with Indirect FOSSIL FUEL-BASED mechanisation; that is by using electric as generator at sieve machine (molen) for making granules. Less noise, and slightly more efficient.

Workers are given priority to the poor widow; currently 8 widows

Available, too

FOSSIL FUEL-BASED mechanisation
Copper MODEL GCM 01
Copper MODEL GCM 02
Copper MODEL GCM 03
Copper MODEL GCM 04
Copper MODEL GCM 05

produced by
Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU) Organik PANSU at Lubuk Pakam North Sumatera.


Use of Organic Fertilizer Still Minim

MedanBisnis Medan. The use of organic fertiliser at the farm level is still minimal. It can be seen from the realisation of organic fertiliser produced the type petroganik PT Petrochemicals in 2010, from an allocation of 58,000 tonnes, which had absorbed only about 29.36% or about 17,000 tons.

Petrokimia Gresik Field Sales Supervisor, Cahyono , accompanied by Ki Hari Purnomo said, according to figures from the allocation, realisation of the absorption of these organic fertilisers is still low. But in terms of number, he said, there is an increase in field usage.

"Organic fertiliser demand tends to rise, the government also continues to increase the allocation of organic fertiliser for farmers. Especially with the government programs outside subsidies," he told reporters Thursday (13/ 1 ).

It is said, the realisation of organic fertiliser from year to year continue to grow. From 2008 to only 4,000 tons, then in 2009 reached 13,000 tons and rose again in 2010 reached 17,000 tons.

While petroganik fertiliser allocation for the year 2011 by the Director General of Food Crops in Decree No. 337/SR.130/13.5/12/10 dated December 9, 2010 on the Subsidy Policy Implementation In 2011, North Sumatra will receive allocations of 70,000 tons. "For 2011, the allocation plus more. And we all hope it can be absorbed by the farmers," said Cahyono.

But according to him, many farmers are less interested and aware use of organic fertilisers. Farmers preferred to chemical fertilisers because they can instantly visible results, compared to organic fertilisers that tend to slow available to plants. For that, Cahyono said, should the use of chemical fertilisers and organic soil fertility carried out side by side in order to be controlled.

"If continuous use of chemical fertilisers, will also not good for soil fertility. So the farmer should be a good use of chemical fertilisers and simultaneously organic, "he said.

While the Consultant and Researcher Pesticides and Fertilizers North Sumatra, Elianor Sembiring, look not so perceived government support farmers in terms of development of organic farming. such as pricing and marketing collateral. Therefore, the use of organic fertilizer in agricultural crop production would indeed decline, so farmers need higher prices provisions.

"If the price is high and clear maps marketing situation, farmers would be willing to develop organic crops. In addition to improving soil nutrient, organic fertiliser production plant will produce higher quality and healthier for humans, "he explained.

According Elianor, only about 5% of the total farmers in North Sumatra who use organic fertilisers. That, too, because it has been get support from NGOs or organizations lovers of organic fertilizers, as well as companies that export their organic crops.

"If the farmers' own initiative, does not yet exist. Besides our own consumer-way thinking about quantity than quality, "said Elianor. (Yuni Naibaho)

But until now not known precisely how the extent of organic farming crop acreage in North Sumatra.

Latest Monday, May 16, 2011 16:07 pm
Agricultural Sector the Largest Labor Absorption in North Sumatra

MedanBisnis-Medan. The agricultural sector is still the biggest absoption of labours in North Sumatra work or at 50, 90 percent in February 2011. "Even compared to February 2010 which is still 47.52 percent, the percentage of agriculture in employment in North Sumatra is higher this year because it was nearly 51 percent," said Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics Statistisk Production (BPS), North Sumatra, Erwin Said, in Medan, on Monday (16 / 5 ).

After agriculture, the second largest sector absorbing labor is a public service and trading sector or respectively 17.62 percent and 14.65 percent.

"Conditions had something to do also with the still vast areas of agricultural or plantation in North Sumatra region, including the difficulty of finding a job," he said.

Erwin explained that the number of workforce in North Sumatra in February 2011 having increase of 11,061 people from the same period a year ago or reach 6,413,952 people.

Sustainability Tuesday, November 2, 2010 10:57 pm
Area Rice Harvest in North Sumatra 16,388 Acres Down
MedanBisnis Medan. The area of rice harvested in North Sumatra in 2010 is expected to fall 16,388 hectares to 752,019 hectares from last year that an area of ??768,407 hectares of agricultural land due to the transition function.

"Although the acreage down, but production increased, because rice farmers increase crop productivity, "said Head of Integration Processing and Dissemination of Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Panusunan Siregar, in Medan, on Monday (1 / 11 ).

The production of rice this year is estimated at 3586. 861 tons from last year that as many as 3,527,899 tons. According to the data, only rice, corn, peanut and sweet potato production increased, while other crops that soy beans, green beans and cassava decreased.

Olah granular dengan molen yang tak langsung
pakai bahan bakar fosil

gunakan listrik dan tidak terlalu brisik...

Pupuk Organik Tabur/Granul PANSU
Pupuk Organik Cair-D PANSU
Pupuk Organik Cair-B PANSU

Pekerja diprioritaskan kepada janda miskin= 8 orang.
Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU) Organik PANSU di Lubuk Pakam Sumatera Utara

Kotoran domba/Sapi (hasil petani dampingan PANSU).
Arang sekam (hasil petani dampingan PANSU).
Ampas Kopi.
Ampas Teh.
Rumput Pahitan (Tithonia sp)

Kapur Pertanian (Dolomit)
Dedek Padi
Dekomposer: Trichoderma harzianum (Kering) dan Propagul mikroorganisma lokal/berbasis Bakteri (Basah)

Koperasi Serba Usaha Organik
Empat Daun Organik Pansu
Registered number:
Permentan No.28/Permentan/SR/2009 tertanggal 16 April 2010

photos: PANSU/PAN North Sumatera; RVT 02August2011

Pupuk organik di Sumatera Utara - selintas

AgriBisnis Jumat, 14 Jan 2011 08:08 WIB
Penggunaan Pupuk Organik Masih Minim
MedanBisnis Medan. Penggunaan pupuk organik di tingkat petani masih minim. Ini dapat terlihat dari realisasi pupuk organik jenis petroganik yang diproduksi PT Petrokimia di tahun 2010, dari alokasi sebesar 58.000 ton, yang berhasil diserap hanya sekitar 29,36% atau sekitar 17.000 ton.

Sales Supervisor Petrokimia Gresik Medan, Cahyono, didampingi Ki Hari Purnomo mengatakan, berdasarkan angka dari alokasi, realisasi penyerapan pupuk organik tersebut memang masih rendah. Namun dari segi jumlah, dia menyebutkan, ada kenaikan pemakaian di lapangan.

"Permintaan pupuk organik cenderung naik, pemerintah juga terus menambah alokasi pupuk organik untuk petani. Apalagi dengan adanya progam pemerintah di luar subsidi," ujarnya kepada wartawan, Kamis (13/1).

Dikatakan, realisasi pupuk organik dari tahun ke tahun terus bertambah. Dari 2008 hanya mencapai 4.000 ton, kemudian di tahun 2009 mencapai 13.000 ton serta 2010 naik lagi mencapai 17.000 ton.

Sementara alokasi pupuk petroganik untuk tahun 2011 berdasarkan Dirjen Tanaman Pangan dalam Surat Keputusan Nomor 337/SR.130/13.5/12/10 tertanggal 9 Desember 2010 tentang Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Subsidi Tahun 2011, Sumut akan mendapatkan alokasi 70.000 ton. "Untuk tahun 2011, alokasinya ditambah lagi. Dan kita harap ini dapat terserap semua oleh petani," imbuh Cahyono.

Namun menurutnya, masih banyak petani yang kurang tertarik dan sadar menggunakan pupuk organik. Petani lebih suka pupuk kimia karena bisa langsung kelihatan hasilnya, dibandingkan pupuk oranik yang cenderung lambat tersedia bagi tanaman. Untuk itu, Cahyono mengatakan, seharusnya pemakaian pupuk kimia dan organik dilakukan berdampingan agar kesuburan tanah dapat terkontrol.

"Kalau terus menerus menggunakan pupuk kimia, juga tidak akan bagus bagi kesuburan tanah. Jadi petani harus pandai memanfaatkan pupuk kimia dan organik secara bersamaan," ucapnya.

Sementara Konsultan dan Peneliti Pestisida dan Pupuk Sumut, Elianor Sembiring, melihat dukungan pemerintah belum begitu dirasakan petani dalam hal pertanian pengembangan organik. seperti jaminan harga dan pemasarannya. Sebab, pemakaian pupuk organik pada pertanaman pertanian memang akan mengalami penurunan produksi, sehingga petani membutuhkan ketentuan harga yang lebih tinggi.

"Jika harga tinggi dan peta situasi pemasarannya jelas, petani pasti akan mau mengembangkan tanaman organik. Selain memperbaiki unsur hara tanah, pupuk organik akan menghasilkan produksi tanaman yang lebih berkualitas dan sehat bagi manusia," jelasnya.

Menurut Elianor, baru sekitar 5% dari total petani di Sumut yang menggunakan pupuk organik. Itu pun karena telah mendapatkan dukungan dari LSM atau organisasi pecinta pupuk organik, serta perusahaan yang mengekspor hasil tanaman organik.

"Kalau dari inisiatif petani sendiri, itu belum ada. Lagi pula arah konsumen kita masing memikirkan kuantitas dibandingkan kualitas," kata Elianor. (yuni naibaho)

Namun hingga saat ini tidak diketahui berapa luasnya areal tanaman pertanian organik di Sumatera Utara.

Terkini Senin, 16 Mei 2011 16:07 WIB
Sektor Pertanian Terbesar Serap Tenaga Kerja di Sumut
MedanBisnis-Medan. Sektor pertanian masih merupakan penampung terbesar tenga kerja di Sumut atau sebesar 50,90 persen di Februari 2011.

"Bahkan dibandingkan Februari 2010 yang masih 47,52 persen, persentase sektor pertanian dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja di Sumut pada tahun ini lebih tinggi karena sudah hampir 51 persen," kata Kabid Statistik Produksi Badan Pusat Statistisk (BPS) Sumut, Erwin Said, di Medan, Senin (16/5).

Setelah pertanian, sektor terbesar kedua penyerap tenaga kerja adalah perdagangan dan sektor jasa kemasyarakatan atau masing-masing 17,62 persen dan 14,65 persen.

"Kondisi itu ada kaitannya juga dengan masih luasnya areal pertanian maupun perkebunan di daerah Sumut termasuk sulitnya mencari pekerjaan," katanya.

Erwin menjelaskan, jumlah angkatan kerja di Sumut pada Februari 2011 mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 11.061 orang dari periode sama tahun lalu atau mencapai 6.413.952 orang.

AgriBisnis Selasa, 02 Nov 2010 10:57 WIB
Luas Areal Panen Padi di Sumut Turun 16.388 Hektar
MedanBisnis ? Medan. Luas areal panen padi di Sumatera Utara pada tahun 2010 diperkirakan turun 16.388 hektar menjadi 752.019 hektar dari tahun lalu yang seluas 768.407 hektar akibat peralihan fungsi lahan pertanian.

"Meski luas areal turun, tetapi produksi meningkat, karena produktivitas tanaman padi petani naik," kata Kepala Bidang Integrasi Pengolahan dan Diseminasi Statistik Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Panusunan Siregar, di Medan, Senin (1/11).

Produksi padi tahun ini diperkirakan mencapai 3.586.861 ton dari tahun lalu yang sebanyak 3.527.899 ton. Menurut data, hanya padi, jagung, kacang tanah dan ubi jalar yang produksinya naik, sementara tanaman lainnya yakni kacang kedelai, kacang hijau dan ubi kayu mengalami penurunan.

Bikin pupuk organik dengan mekanisasi yang tidak langsung memakai bahan bakar fosil, yaitu dengan memakai listrik pada molen- pengayak granular.

edited by:
Riza V. Tjahjadi


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