
Organic Farming
within the Performance of MoA in 2010, 10 products certified
(internal, ministry evaluation)
Versi Indonesia di bawah
Reviewed by: Riza V. Tjahjadi
Remember Go Organic 2010?
“… creates Indonesia as one of the major organic food producers in the world starting in 2010…”
“...development of organic agriculture will lead to increased food security and sustainable prosperity...” (translation)
That was a popular catchphrase years back, while the target year (2010) which has had set up in the year 2000s.
Then in the first quarter 2010 that trendy catchphrase: Go Organic 2010, replaced by the minister with just: Go Organic (full stop)... where is now?
So, then what we saw in 2010? In the following is a partial quotation of the results of a self-evaluation by the ministry of agriculture entitled EVALUASI 2010, PROGRES 2011 DAN RENCANA KERJA 2012. Materi disampaikan oleh Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertanian pada Musrenbangtan Nasional di Jakarta, 31 Mei-1 Juni 2011 or Evaluation 2010, Progress 2011 and Work Plan 2012. The materials submitted by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture at Musrenbangtan or the National Dialogue on Agriculture Development Plan in Jakarta, May 31-June 1 2011.
In Sustainable Achievement of food Self-Sufficiency and Sustainable Self-Sufficiency In 2010, it saying the realisation of rice and corn production has reached 99.6% and 92.75%, 69.9% soybean, sugar and beef 78.3% 105.58% from the target respectively. Organic rice not mentioned (compare to organic rice planned in 2007; see previous posting: Fertilising soil, target: exporting organic rice without yearly action plan, 29 April 2011).
# Realisation Horticulture Development Year 201O; Agricultural Development, Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, with Target 5 activities. meanwhile realisation of the five events (100%).
# Realisation P2HP Development in 2010; Certification of Organic Products with Target 30 Products, meanwhile realisation 10 Products (33.33 %). I may add the words: Go Organic 2010 as well Go Organic (only) was not mentioned in the Evaluation.
# Realisation of land and water infrastructure development in 2010. Development of Home Compost: Actual Physical with Target 235 Units meanwhile realisation 228 Units (97.02%). BLP-Organic Fertiliser granules with Target 286,095 tons meanwhile realisation 285.207 tons (99.69%). BLP-Liquid Organic Fertiliser with Target 2,265,014 liters meanwhile realisation 2,246,617 liters (99.19%). BLP, Bantuan Pupuk Langsung or Fertiliser Direct Assistance.
Where does the source of referral setting targets for 2010 at the top?
All targets refer to the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture from 2010 to 2014 (dated 30 December 2009). Strategic Plan is structured in order to meet the mandate of Law Number 25 Year 2004 on National Development Planning System which requires the Minister of the Cabinet to plan medium-term development in their respective fields with reference to and be guided by Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) or the National Medium Term Development Plan.
Production indicator: TARGET
(…) non-hybrid rice (thousand tons) 12544.00; Harvested Area (thousand hectares): 1960.00.
Hybrid rice (thousand tons) 1509.20; Harvested Area (thousand ha): 196.00.
Paddy dry land (thousand tons) 1234.80; Harvested Area (thousand hectares): 294.00.
(See: Development and Funding Needs of the Year 2010-2014 Ministry of Agriculture in Strategic Plan 2010-2014; page 102).
In the Ministry Agriculture decree No. 18/ Permentan/OT.140/2/2010 on Blueprint of the Increase in Value Added and Comparative Advantage of Agricultural Products for rural industry, there is a project namely organic farming have been developed by the State through the ministries of agriculture to produce organic rice. Organic rice is written parallel to the aromatic rice. This can be interpreted that organic rice is an aromatic rice varieties, and/ or aromatic rice which is really organically grown. The aim is to export.
From the location where production? No clear relation to user farmers subsidised organic fertilisers, compost, or farmer beneficiaries RPPO/ UPPO. Everything looks fragmentary (see, also Riza V. Tjahjadi in Fertilising soil, target: exporting organic rice without yearly action plan, Jumat, 29 April 2011).
It worthy to add, the Ministry Agriculture decree No. 18/ Permentan/OT.140/2/2010 on Blueprint also stated Sertifikasi beras organik dan beras aromatik or Certification of organic rice and aromatic rice is null (O) in 2010 (part of Yearly Target) in Action Program, Target in Development Rural Industry, Rice. However, the achievement by the ministry office especially P2HP in 2010 to certify 10 organic products (although only 33.3% of target) should be appreciated, because in the minister decree clearly has set target as null for 2010.
RPPPO Assistance (units) 200. RPPO is one of the indicators: production facilities available on site and supervised the implementation of appropriate crops (units). This indicator is a target system implementation and supervision of the provision of means of production of food crops in an efficient and sustainable on-site application of the proper cultivation of food crops.
The program is the provision of system management and monitoring of food crop production facilities (Priority Area); (see: Strategic Plan 2010-2014; page 104). More detail Riza V. Tjahjadi point out (previous post: Jumat, 04 Februari 2011: Organic Fertilisers Subsidy 2011, Subsidi Pupuk Organik 2011) # Observation to 2010 there were 235 of organic fertilisers processing units (Rumah Kompos) allocated to all 33 provinces in Indonesia; with four categories of production capacity range from 35,250 to 246,750 tons per year. Meanwhile, subsidised organic fertilisers in 2010 focused to critical quality of farmland and poor soil nutrients located in 8 provinces with total allocation 10.672,104 tons decomposers and 533,605 tons biofertilisers to covers 1,778,683 hectares rice fields.
Whenever the performance of Ministry of Agriculture on development RPPO in 2010, as compare to the following statement, then the performance can be said far from successful: Director General of Land and Water Management Hilman Manan explained in FY 2010 through the PLA General Tasks Fund will build 235 units of housing compost without cattle, and through the Fund Revised Budget FY 2010 also will be built 300 units of home composting is integrated with cattle. http://www.sinartani.com/saprodi/indonesia-perlu-30-juta-ton-pupuk-organik-1279607696.htm (accessed 13 April 2011; in previous post Tjahjadi: Jumat, 15 April 2011; Organic fertilisers driven by the state: soil fertility improvement versus expensive price, minim absorption, less confidence?)
For information, DG of Land and Water (Ditjend PLA) - As written in the proposed temporary - (now: Director General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities)
6.2 Increased production of ruminants with the utilisation of local resources (National Priorities and Field)
GOAL increasing population and the production of ruminant livestock
Utilisation of livestock manure into organic fertiliser and package delivery organic fertiliser as social assistance (home composting). TARGET = 0; Total TARGET 2011-2014 respectively 10.000.
The use of manure as organic fertiliser is one of the indicators of Goal: Increased population and ruminant livestock production in ruminant livestock production Improvement Program with the utilisation of local resources (National Priorities and Field); (see: Strategic Plan 2010-2014; page 113).
Appendix 41. Projected Needs Fertilisers Sector 2010 - 2014
Organic Fertilisers 2010 with target (million tons)
(page 167)
Target Organic rice (but not mentioned in the Evaluation 2010):
Appendix 48. Draft Development of Downstream Industry Agriculture
Rice (decrease loss of 0.2%/ year)
Action Plan and Targets
(…) among others Agriculture agricultural equipments and machineries (alsintan) Development and certification of organic rice and aromatic rice (100 thousand tons/ year)
Organic Rice Location: East OKU, Central Lampung, Karawang, Subang, Jombang, Tasikmalaya, Pinrang, Sidrap, Bone, Sragen, Cianjur, Waterford, Sidoarjo (see: Renstra 2010-2014, page 174)
Though the construction of home composting projects and training System of Rice Intensification (SRI) farmers' groups - who will become manager of home composting targets - from 2006 to 2011 the number increased, while the amount of rice acreage that has been and is being processed restoration of soil fertility is not exposed in the material evaluate the performance of ministries of agriculture, 2010.
Not important? Well. It's strange for me ..! Production of paddy crop can be calculated, as well as, for example, can also be calculated the number of damaged irrigation networks, then why rice acreage is already being processed and the recovery of soil fertility data are not available?
In my opinion the data is important, because exposure evaluation is very clear purpose for the discussion of planning in 2012 - which will clearly have implications to the budget for agricultural development in the state budget.
Just remember: the information from the Fertilizer and Pesticide Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture (January 2011) Since FY. 2006 Ministry of Agriculture has conducted activities in the provision of infrastructure organic fertilizer that can be done by farmers themselves. Provision of infrastructure in the form of 81 units of Organic Fertilizer Processing Equipment (APPO); on fiscal year 2007 APPO as many as 334 home composting units and 1 unit located in the Ministry of Agriculture Office; fiscal year 2008 APPO as many as 371 units and a home composting/ Pilot House Organic Fertilizer Production (RP3O) as many as 101 units; in Fiscal Year 2009 APPO 300 units, home composting/ RP3O 268 units and Organic Fertilizer Processing Unit (UPPO) by 41 units (each consisting of home composting and 35 head of cattle); fiscal year 2010 House compost/RP3O UPPO of 435 units and 500 units. Later in the fiscal year 2011 will be built RP3O many as 266 units and as many as 966 units UPPO.
The total amount of infrastructure to date are as follows: APPO as many as 1086 units, home composting/ RP3O/ UPPO as many as 2578 units and as many as 47,695 head of cattle.
If the entire infrastructure of organic fertilizer maker may operate optimally, then the amount of organic fertilizer that can be produced by the farmers as much as 5.496 million tons/ year (assuming a unit capable of processing machine APPO/ RP3O/ home composting of organic materials as much as 5 ton/ day/ unit and within a year of work for 300 days).
Evaluasi 2010, Progres 2011 dan Rencana Kerja 2012. Materi disampaikan oleh Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertanian pada Musrenbangtan Nasional di Jakarta, 31 Mei-1 Juni 2011.
Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No. 18/ Permentan/OT.140/2/2010 Tentang Blue Print Peningkatan Nilai Tambah dan Dayasaing Produk Pertanian Dengan Pemberian Insentif Bagi Tumbuhnya Industri Perdesaan. Kementerian Pertanian. Jakarta 5 Februari 2010.
Rancangan Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pertanian Tahun 2010-2014. Rancangan 30 Desember 2009. Kementerian Pertanian 2009.
Roadmap Pengembangan Pertanian Organik. Departemen Pertanian 2007.
Further information on Subsidised Organic Fertilisers 2010; see also: previous posts in this blog.
Versi Indonesia
Pertanian Organik dalam Kinerja Kementerian Pertanian 2010, 10 produk disertifikasi
(evaluasi internal)
Ulasan Riza V. Tjahjadi
Masih ingatkah dengan Go Organic 12010?
Go Organic 2010
“… mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai salah satu produsen pangan organik utama di dunia mulai 2010…”
“...pengembangan pertanian organik akan berujung pada peningkatan ketahanan pangan dan kesejahteraan secara berkelanjutan...”
Sumber: Otoritas Kompeten Pangan Organik. Lembar Informasi. Halaman belakang. Sekretariat OKPO Direktorat Mutu dan Standarisasi Ditjen PPHP... dst. Tanpa tahun.
Itu adalah tahun target yang disusun pada tahun 2000-2001.
Lalu, pada kuartal pertama 2010, jargon Go Organic 2010, diubah oleh menteri pertanian (hanya) menjadi: Go Organic... Di manakah sekarang?
Lalu. apa yang terlihat pada tahun 2010? Kementerian Pertanian melakukan swa-evaluasi. Berikut ini petikannya - yang terkait dengan pertanian organik.
Tabel Pencapaian Swasembada dan Swasembada Berkelanjutan Pada tahun 2010, menyantumkan bahwa realisasinya meliputi produksi padi dan jagung telah mencapai 99,6% dan 92,75%, kedelai 69,9%, gula 78,3% dan daging sapi 105,58 % dari target masing-masing. Beras Organik tidak disebutkan (bandingkan dengan beras organik yang disusun rencananya pada tahun 2007; lihat posting terdahulu: Fertilising soil, target: exporting organic rice without yearly action plan, tertanggal 29 April 2011).
REALISASI PENGEMBANGAN P2HP TAHUN 2010; Sertifikasi Produk Organik Target 30 Produk, Realisasi 10 Produk (33.33%); halaman 12.
Realisasi pengembangan infrastruktur lahan dan air tahun 2010. Pengembangan Rumah Kompos Realisasi Fisik 235 228 Unit (97.02%). BLP-Pupuk Organik Granul Target 286,095 ton realisasi 285,207 (99.69%). BLP-Pupuk Organik Cair target 2,265,014 liter realisasi 2,246,617 liter (99.19%); halaman 13.
Dari manakah sumber rujukan penetapan target-target tahun 2010 di atas?
Semua target merujuk ke Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Kementerian Pertanian 2010-2014. Renstra ini disusun dalam rangka memenuhi amanat Undang Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional yang mewajibkan Menteri Kabinet menyusun rencana pembangunan jangka menengah di bidangnya masing-masing dengan mengacu dan berpedoman pada Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN).
Produksi: TARGET
Padi non hibrida (ribu ton) 12544.00 Luas Panen (ribu ha): 1960.00.
Padi hibrida (ribu ton) 1509.20 Luas Panen (ribu ha): 196.00.
Padi lahan kering (ribu ton) 1234.80 Luas Panen (ribu ha): 294.00.
(Lihat: Pembangunan dan Kebutuhan Pendanaan Pembangunan Tahun 2010-2014. Kementerian Pertanian, Rencana Strategis Pertanian 2010-2011 halaman 102).
Dalam Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No. 18/ Permentan/OT.140/2/2010 Tentang Blue Print Peningkatan Nilai Tambah dan Dayasaing Produk Pertanian Dengan Pemberian Insentif Bagi Tumbuhnya Industri Perdesaan, terdapat satu proyek dinamakan pertanian organik yang telah dikembangkan oleh Negara melalui kementerian pertanian untuk memproduksi beras organik. Beras organik ditulis paralel dengan beras aromatik. Ini dapat ditafsuirkan beras organik adalah beras dengan varietas aromatik, dan/ atau beras aromatik yang ditanam secara organik. Tujuannya adalah ekspor.
Dari lokasi manakah produksi itu? Dari produksi petani yang memperoleh subsidi pupuk (organik), atau yang memperoleh bantuan rumah kompos (APPO/RPPO). Semuanya tampak fragmentaris (lihat juga: Riza V. Tjahjadi in Fertilising soil, target: exporting organic rice without yearly action plan, Jumat, 29 April 2011).
Perlu ditambahkan Peraturan Menteri tersebut menyantumkan: Sertifikasi beras organik dan beras aromatik pada tahun 2010 adalah Nol; lihat Program Aksi, Rencana Implementasi dan Sasaran Pengembangan Industri Perdesaan Beras. Namun demikian sudah semestinya kita hargai atas kinerja kementerian pertanian yang telah melakukan sertifikasi sebanyak 10 produk organik (meskipun hanya 33,3% dari target) tahun 2010 karena peratiuran menteri menyantumkan target itu dengan angka nol alias tanpa target.
Bantuan RPPPO (unit) 200. RPPO adalah salah satu indikator: Sarana produksi tersedia dan terawasi di lokasi penerapan budidaya tanaman pangan yang tepat (unit). Indikator ini adalah sasaran Terselenggaranya sistem penyediaan dan pengawasan sarana produksi tanaman pangan yang efisien dan berkelanjutan di lokasi penerapan budidaya tanaman pangan yang tepat. Adapun programnya adalah Pengelolaan sistem penyediaan dan pengawasan sarana produksi tanaman pangan (Prioritas Bidang); (lihat: Rencana Strategis 2010-2014; halaman 104). Lebih rinci Riza V. Tjahjadi (posting Jummat 04 Februari 2011: Organic Fertilisers Subsidy 2011, Subsidi Pupuk Organik 2011) # Observation to 2010 there were 235 of organic fertilisers processing units (Rumah Kompos) allocated to all 33 provinces in Indonesia; with four categories of production capacity range from 35,250 to 246,750 tons per year. Meanwhile, subsidised organic fertilisers in 2010 focused to critical quality of farmland and poor soil nutrients located in 8 provinces with total allocation 10.672,104 tons decomposers and 533,605 tons biofertilisers to covers 1,778,683 hectares rice fields.
Jika kinerja Kementerian Pertanian mengenai RPPO dibandingkan dengan pernyataan berikut, maka kinerjanya adalah jauh di bawah target: Dirjen Pengelolaan Lahan dan Air Hilman Manan menjelaskan pada TA 2010 melalui Dana Tugas Pembantuan Ditjen PLA akan dibangun 235 unit rumah kompos tanpa ternak sapi, dan melalui Dana APBN-P TA 2010 juga akan dibangun 300 unit rumah kompos yang diintegrasi dengan ternak sapi.
http://www.sinartani.com/saprodi/indonesia-perlu-30-juta-ton-pupuk-organik-1279607696.htm (accessed 13 April 2011; dalam posting terdahulu: Tjahjadi: Jumat, 15 April 2011; Organic fertilisers driven by the state: soil fertility improvement versus expensive price, minim absorption, less confidence?)
6.2 Peningkatan produksi ternak ruminansia dengan pendayagunaan sumber daya lokal (Prioritas Nasional dan Bidang)
SASARAN Meningkatnya populasi dan produksi ternak ruminansia
Pemanfaatan kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk organik dan pemberian paket bantuan sosial pupuk
organik (rumah kompos) TARGET= 0; TARGET 2011-2014 masing-masing 10,000 (halaman 113)
(halaman 167)
Beras organik (tetapi tidak dicantumkan dalam EVALUASI 2010, PROGRES2011 DAN RENCANA KERJA 2012)
Lampiran 48. Rancangan Pengembangan Industri Hilir Pertanian
Beras (penurunan kehilangan hasil 0,2%/thn)
Rencana Aksi dan Sasaran
antara lain Pengembangan alsintan dan sertifikasi beras organik dan beras aromatik (100 ribu ton/thn).
Lokasi Beras organik: OKU Timur, Lampung Tengah, Karawang, Subang, Jombang, Tasikmalaya, Pinrang, Sidrap, Bone, Sragen, Cianjur, Temanggung, Sidoarjo (Renstra 2010-2014 halaman 174).
Kata akhir saya:
Nah, kalau diminta memberikan nilai (rank from 1 to 10), maka kinerja dan juga ekspose materi evaluasi terhadap kinerja kementerian pertanian 2010 saya beri angka 6.5 saja. Alasan saya? Karena pertanian organik tidak banyak diekspos dalam laporan evaluasi itu. Pertanyaan spesifiknya, sudah berapa luas areal sawah yang telah dan sedang diproses pemulihan kesuburan tanahnya?
Padahal proyek pembangunan rumah kompos dan pelatihan System of Rice Intensification (SRI) kelompok tani - yang akan menjadi target pengelola rumah kompos - dari 2006 hingga 2011 jumlahnya meningkat; sementara itu jumlah luas areal sawah yang telah dan sedang diproses pemulihan kesuburan tanahnya tidak diekspos dalam materi evaluasi terhadap kinerja kementerian pertanian 2010.
Tidak penting? Waah. Ini aneh bin ajaib..! Produksi tanaman padi dapat dikalkulasi, begitu juga, misalnya dapat pula dikalkulasi jumlah jaringan irigasi yang rusak, lalu kenapa areal sawah yang sudah dan sedang diproses pemulihan kesuburan tanahnya tidak tersedia datanya?
Bagi saya data tersebut penting, karena paparan evaluasi sangat jelas tujuannya untuk diskusi perencanaan pada tahun 2012 mendatang - yang jelas akan berimplikasi kepada anggaran bagi pembangunan pertanian di APBN.
Ingat saja: informasi dari Direktorat Pupuk dan Pestisida Kementerian Pertanian (January 2011) Sejak TA. 2006 Kementerian Pertanian telah melakukan kegiatan penyediaan prasarana pembuatan pupuk organik yang dapat dilakukan oleh petani sendiri. Penyediaan prasarana tersebut berupa 81 unit Alat Pengolah Pupuk Organik (APPO); pada TA. 2007 APPO sebanyak 334 unit dan rumah kompos 1 unit di halaman Kantor Kementerian Pertanian; TA. 2008 APPO sebanyak 371 unit dan rumah kompos/ Rumah Percontohan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik (RP3O) sebanyak 101 unit; TA. 2009 APPO 300 unit, rumah kompos/ RP3O sebanyak268 unit dan Unit Pengolah Pupuk Organik (UPPO) sebanyak 41 unit (masing-masing terdiri dari rumah kompos dan 35 ekor ternak sapi); TA. 2010 Rumah kompos/ RP3O sebanyak 435 unit dan UPPO sebanyak 500 unit. Selanjutnya pada TA. 2011 dibangun RP3O sebanyak 266 unit dan UPPO sebanyak 966 unit.
Total jumlah prasarana tersebut sampai saat ini menjadi sebagai berikut : APPO sebanyak 1.086 unit, rumah kompos/ RP3O/ UPPO sebanyak 2.578 unit dan ternak sapi sebanyak 47.695 ekor.
Apabila seluruh prasarana pembuat pupuk organik tersebut dapat beroperasi secara optimal, maka jumlah pupuk organik yang bisa dihasilkan oleh petani sebanyak 5.496.000 ton/th (asumsi 1 unit mesin APPO/RP3O/rumah kompos mampu mengolah bahan organik sebanyak 5 ton/hari/unit dan dalam setahun bekerja selama 300 hari).
Evaluasi 2010, Progres 2011 dan Rencana Kerja 2012. Materi disampaikan oleh Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertanian pada Musrenbangtan Nasional di Jakarta, 31 Mei-1 Juni 2011.
Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No. 18/ Permentan/OT.140/2/2010 Tentang Blue Print Peningkatan Nilai Tambah dan Dayasaing Produk Pertanian Dengan Pemberian Insentif Bagi Tumbuhnya Industri Perdesaan. Kementerian Pertanian. Jakarta 5 Februari 2010.
Rancangan Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pertanian Tahun 2010-2014. Rancangan 30 Desember 2009. Kementerian Pertanian 2009.
Roadmap Pengembangan Pertanian Organik. Departemen Pertanian 2007.