Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Can Organic Farming Feed Us All? Globally, YES..! how about Indonesia?

In commemoration the World Food Day, 16 October 2012

Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?
Globally, YES..!
how about Indonesia?

Kindly remind to what I've said two years ago:

That there are actually even a sharp debate as always spoken of by the proponents of conventional agriculture - who rely on outside intake high and sophisticated - as well as public policy analysts. Which to contrast it puts into question: "Can organic farming feed the world?" That's the title and the main problem has always been a serious concern - among them: Nourman Bourlag (late), Robert Paarlberg, Foreign Policy Magazine (2010), but Brian Halweil (Worldwatch Institute, 2006, public debate: Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?), and the other contender, for example Anna Lappé (2010; See also: Global Food Security, May 2010: Industrial vs.. Organic Farming) actually says, "Yes. .! "

A clear answer "Yes ..!" It's based to (...) the genesis of a multi-year, multidisciplinary study to explore whether We Could, Indeed, feed the world with organic, sustainable methods of farming.

Contrast that formulated into a question I deliberately put here, because the Go Organic 2010's vision meant that Indonesia would contribute greatly to the world trading of organic food. How large supply of organic agricultural products of Indonesia into the world trade in organic food? Or that at the national level only, will be how much (percentage, or the quantitative amount) of the supply of organic food producers to the national food? For comparison, in the United States only in the year 2005 organic agriculture covers about 50 states that were certified. But the supply? Today there are more than 10.000 certified Organic Farmers Produce two percent of the U.S. food supply (Maria Colenso, How Organic Farming Works, nd).

See previous posts
Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010. GO Organic 2010 failed, GO Organic 2010 Gagal
which Way fit for you? Organic Farm and Biotech Pertanian Organik dan bioteknologi

Illustration: Dewi Sri, a Goddes of fertility, symbol of ancient Jawanese.Repro photos

Turut memperingati Hari pangan Sedunia, 16 Oktober 2012

Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?
Globally, YES..! how about Indonesia?

silahkan simak pernyataan saya sebelumnya:

“Dapatkah pertanian organik memberi makan dunia?” Itu judul dan masalah pokok yang selalu menjadi perhatian serius – di antaranya Nourman Bourlag (alm), Robert Paarlberg, Foreign Policy Magazine (2010), tetapi Brian Halweil (Worldwatch Institute, 2006, dalam debat publik: Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?), dan para pendebat lainnya, contohnya Anna LappĂ© (2010; see also: Global Food Security, May 2010: Industrial vs. Organic Farming) justru mengatakan, ”Yes..!”.

Yang jelas jawaban ”Yes..!” itu berpangkal kepada (…) was the genesis of a multi-year, multidisciplinary study to explore whether we could, indeed, feed the world with organic, sustainable methods of farming.

silahkan lihat:
Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010
GO Organic 2010 failed, GO Organic 2010 Gagal
(versi Indonesia di bawah versi Inggris)
Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010. GO Organic 2010 sampai di mana? Realitas Jauh di bawah Target Melambung
lihat juga
Sabtu, 06 November 2010 which Way fit for you? Organic Farm and Biotech// Pertanian Organik dan bioteknologi


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