Rabu, 13 Februari 2019

Indonesia is not the second largest source of #oceanplastic πŸ–#plasticdebris πŸ‘Ž

Indonesia is not the second largest source of #oceanplastic πŸ–#plasticdebris πŸ‘Ž

rizavalentino 140219

Indonesia is not the second largest source of #oceanplastic πŸ–#plasticdebris πŸ‘Ž @JoiceMsuya #solvedifferent 🚣‍♀πŸ‘€✍🏼 #marinelitter⚓
Dr. Jenna Jambeck of the University Georgia suddenly became famous in the world when she published the results of her research on plastic waste in the ocean. When she visited Indonesia, whose position from her reseach was the number two, she promised to review the matter of Indonesian plastic waste. She promised Inaplas, the Indonesian olefin & plastic industry association), who invited her to recalculate the matter of quantity of Indonesian plastic waste (June 13, 2017). It turns out that until now the results of her review doesn't come out to public πŸ˜·πŸ‘Ž



@organicredemption πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Indonesia bukan penghasil #sampahlaut (#marinelitter 😳)

Rizavalentino plastic debris-221218

Indonesia bukan penghasil #sampahlaut (#marinelitter 😳) nomor dua di dunia. #Inaplas, asosiasi Industri plastik mengumumkan data perbandingan dari Dr. Jenna #Jambeck vs kalkulasi Inaplas pada tanggal 181218 di kantor Kemenko Perekonomian. Simaklah: Dr. Jambeck Publications: plastic waste Gen. Rate (Kg/ PPD) = 0.057; sementara itu Inaplas calculation 0.018. Lalu, Marine litter (Jambeck) 10% MMT/year = 0.48 -1. 29; Sementara itu Inaplas calculation 0.17.

Ini adalah clarification data with Dr. Jenna Jambeck and Inaplas on 13 June 2017. 

Pada info Inaplas terdapat foto dan caption: 
Dr. Jenna Jambeck agreed to review the data based on actual plastic consumption and updating plastic marine debris activities at Minister of Industry office. 
Dengan angka itu Fajar B, Juru bicara Inaplas mengatakan Indonesia berada di ranking 7 s/d 10 bukan di nomor dua. 

Begitulah... Sayangnya😱😱 wartawan gak ada yang tertarik ekspos info iniπŸ˜₯

Hayo pemerintah mesti umumkan data yang benar adalah data yang Inaplas atau data revisi Dr. Jambeck. 

NB: Inaplas, the Indonesia Olefin, Aromatik and Plastic Association.

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